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Fast and easy ways to boost and improve your workforce management (according to ChatGPT)

There are many options for maximizing employee performance levels across an organization. But when it comes to including non-desk employees in your workforce management improvement process, the task can seem daunting and fraught with risks. Deskless workers in industries such as manufacturing, construction, healthcare, retail, and hospitality, amongst others, are both valuable assets while at the same presenting a connection and engagement challenge to employers.

Making sure that this workforce is engaged, communicated with, and managed as efficiently and effectively as possible will deliver more productive employees improved product quality, better customer service, and increased profitability. The benefits of improving workforce management are well documented. With employee turnover and staffing challenges at an all-time high, there has never been a better time to address this.

With the rise of mobile cloud-based technologies, machine learning, and the widespread use of artificial intelligence, workforce management and connecting with non-desk workers who typically operate without access to company email have been dramatically simplified. Add solutions (like Shelbe AI) to these advancements, which automatically handle the ever-changing delegation of responsibilities and permissions, eliminating manual management and saving anywhere from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars.

With their real-time data and analytics, today’s workforce management platforms seek to put the power of knowledge and organization to work. Companies will no longer have to worry if they have the right person with the right skills for the right job. With employee participation baked into the scheduling process, you are all but guaranteed a more motivated and engaged workforce. With increased data transparency, it is becoming easier to monitor and analyze the impact of certain decisions, processes, or communications and make adjustments accordingly.


That’s all easy to say for us though, we have the data and the experience to know what works. So we thought, “ya know what… let’s ask ChatGPT what it thinks!”

The prompt given was “What advantages does using a mobile app to reach a disconnected workforce offer?” and here’s what it has to say:

Using a mobile app to reach a disconnected workforce can offer several advantages, fostering better communication, engagement, and productivity. Here are some reasons why you might consider utilizing a mobile app for this purpose:

  • Accessibility: A mobile app allows your workforce to access information, updates, and communication tools anytime, anywhere. This is especially valuable for employees who are on the go, work remotely, or are dispersed across different locations.
  • Real-time Communication: Mobile apps enable real-time communication through instant messaging, push notifications, and updates. This ensures that important information reaches your workforce promptly, enhancing responsiveness and agility.
  • Engagement and Collaboration: Mobile apps can include features that promote employee engagement and collaboration. Features like discussion forums, project collaboration tools, and social elements can help foster a sense of community and teamwork.
  • Efficient Information Distribution: Instead of relying on traditional communication methods, such as email or paper notices, a mobile app allows for quick and efficient distribution of information. This can be particularly beneficial for time-sensitive updates or announcements.
  • Task Management and Productivity: Many mobile apps include features for task management and productivity. This can help streamline workflows, improve task visibility, and enhance overall productivity among your workforce.
  • Employee Self-Service: Mobile apps can empower employees with self-service options, such as accessing schedules, submitting leave requests, or viewing important documents. This can reduce the administrative burden on HR and managers.
  • Personalized Experiences: A mobile app can provide personalized experiences, tailoring content and features based on individual roles and responsibilities. This ensures that employees receive relevant information and resources.
  • Data Security and Compliance: With the right security measures, mobile apps can be a secure way to transmit sensitive information. Ensure that the app complies with relevant data protection and privacy regulations.
  • Adaptability: A mobile app can adapt to the changing needs of your workforce and organization. Updates and new features can be easily implemented to address evolving requirements.
  • Employee Satisfaction and Retention: Providing a convenient and efficient way for employees to stay connected and informed can contribute to higher job satisfaction and, consequently, improved employee retention.

When implementing a mobile app for your workforce, it’s crucial to consider the specific needs and preferences of your employees and ensure that the chosen solution aligns with your organizational goals.” – Author, ChatGPT

Does AI know the answer to effective Workforce Management?

The answer is that non-desk workers have entirely different work habits, needs, and wants than workers already connected to their company through corporate email, HCM tools, and a corporate environment. Outdated modes of engagement such as break room message boards, communication via video monitors, or word-of-mouth approaches do little to drive a feeling of connection amongst the deskless workforce. Additionally, most open-architected messaging apps fail to provide relevant content for non-desk workers and only create noise for a part of the workforce that frankly has little time for communication frequency and styles that desk workers are accustomed to receiving.

With the proper architecture that caters to the needs and behaviors of the non-desk worker, over time, the company can create a sense of trust in the workforce. At Red e App, we call this WorkTrust. WorkTrust is the feeling of support and wellbeing that results from an organization’s commitment to the needs of its workforce. As research by Gallup has shown, creating an authentic, equitable, inclusive connection that enables a virtuous cycle of engagement, an individual’s sense of work purpose can more easily align with the organization’s.

This creation of WorkTrust needs to be built from the beginning around the unique wants and needs of people who work on factory floors, construction sites, healthcare facilities, and retail. With the right solution, and the use of built-in data and analysis, tracking the improvement of your workforce management should be easy. Increases in productivity, safety, retention, training, and savings will be apparent, but there will be many areas where the benefit of improving workforce management will also show up; these include improved transparency, employee morale, and increased opportunities for advancement.

With 2024 here, now is the time to ask yourself if you are focusing enough on maximizing your approach to workforce management. Here is a short video of one of our clients talking about the positive effects creating employee engagement with Red e App can have across the company.

Sign up for a free trial of Red e App today to learn how our powerful tool will help you address high turnover, increase employee retention and create an engaged workforce.