Senior Living

Empower caregivers and staff in your communities for better resident care.

Streamlining communication and improving employee engagement, ultimately enhances the efficiency within your senior living facility.

Leading senior living organizations choose Workrede

Expedite resident care on every shift, in every community

Whether your team is all in a single building, or spread across a region, reaching a staff member in real time provides instant value to every resident. Now, you can notify caregivers instantly with changes to a patient’s health or treatment plan.

Eliminate caregiver confusion and ensure all employees have the most up-to-date information. Here’s how you might leverage Workrede:

  • Employee Profiles: Allow each employee to create a profile with basic information such as name, position, contact details, and a photo.
  • Shift Scheduling: Enable managers to create and publish shift schedules, allowing employees to view their upcoming shifts, swap shifts with coworkers, and request time off.
  • Communication Tools: Include messaging functionality for direct communication between employees and managers. Additionally, consider incorporating group messaging features for team communication and announcements.
  • Training and Development: Offer access to training materials, resources, and certification programs relevant to senior care.
  • Emergency Procedures: Include information and protocols for handling emergencies within the senior living facility, such as medical emergencies or natural disasters.
  • Feedback and Surveys: Enable employees to provide feedback on their experiences, suggest improvements, and participate in surveys to gauge employee satisfaction.
  • Document Management: Allow employees to access important documents such as employee handbooks, policies, and procedures directly from the app. Ensure these documents are regularly updated and easily searchable.
  • Integration with HR Systems: Integrate the app with existing HR systems for seamless management of employee data, payroll, benefits, and performance evaluations.
  • Security and Privacy: Leverage our robust security measures to protect sensitive employee information and ensure compliance with data privacy regulations such as HIPAA.
  • Feedback and Support: Provide a mechanism for users to report technical issues, suggest new features, and receive support from the app’s administrators.


Minimize crisis risk in all situations

Workrede lets you broadcast key alerts to your entire organization, and especially to your mobile workforce, so everyone is aware of security threats, lockdowns, contamination, and other risks.

By empowering your entire workforce to have reference documents for crisis procedures in their pockets with easy-access files and content, you reach your people who are at work — as well as those who are off-site or at home. You know that everyone knows not to report to work, or what on-site actions to take if a situation is unsafe.