
Employee Communications

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Feb 25

How to communicate effectively to employees during mergers and acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions occur in all types of industries and affect employees throughout the organization – from the executive suite to non-desk frontline workers. 2020 was a challenging year, and we saw many mergers for various reasons. Among them were companies looking to expand into new markets, companies looking to grow bigger, and mergers focused on consolidation to reduce cost and increase operations. We also saw events where companies in struggling industries merged as a desperate move to survive. 

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Feb 23

Work Trust: What is it? And how does Servant Leadership impact employee engagement?

Red e App recently published a whitepaper entitled “Strange Bedfellows: The Convergence of Innovation and Compliance in Long Term Care” – focused on the future of the long term healthcare workforce, the role technology will play, and why compliance and innovation must coexist. This post is an excerpt from the full document, focusing on Work Trust, and is part of a series of blogs that will be released discussing various topics from the whitepaper.