Workrede Blog

What Mobile Workforce Employers Can Learn from Olympians

From Simone Biles to Caeleb Dressel, Olympians represent the pinnacle of athletic achievement, embodying dedication, resilience, and excellence. Their journey to gold can offer valuable lessons for employers aiming to cultivate high-performing teams and a thriving workplace culture. Here are key takeaways from Olympians that employers can apply to their organizations:

1. Commitment to Excellence & Focus

Olympians train relentlessly, often for years, to reach peak performance. This unwavering commitment to excellence is a lesson for employers on the importance of setting high standards and striving for continuous improvement. Encouraging employees to pursue excellence can lead to higher productivity and innovation.

Actionable Insight: Establish clear performance benchmarks, communicate your goals in Broadcasts, and leverage Workrede Forms to generate key metric reports. Alternatively, you can use Workrede Forms to create open feedback loops and gauge employee sentiments on hot topics.

2. Teamwork and Collaboration

Many Olympic events require seamless teamwork and collaboration. Successful teams leverage each member’s strengths and work cohesively towards a common goal. Employers can foster a collaborative environment to enhance team performance and innovation.

Actionable Insight: Workrede creates opportunities for cross-functional collaboration which can include multiple messaging types such as Broadcasts, 1:1, and Teams. Employees can use these spaces to communicate, report out, or even celebrate team achievements.

3. Mental Toughness

The mental aspect of performance is as critical for Olympians as the physical. They train their minds to stay focused, handle pressure, and maintain a positive attitude. Employers can support their employees’ mental well-being to boost overall performance.

Actionable Insight: Leverage Workrede partners like Kannact that provide resources for mental health, such as access to counseling services and stress-relief programs. Encourage practices like mindfulness and meditation to help employees maintain mental clarity and resilience.

4. Continuous Learning and Improvement

Olympians continually refine their skills and techniques. They stay updated on the latest advancements in their sport and seek ways to improve. Employers should promote a culture of continuous learning and professional development.

Actionable Insight: Pineapple Academy, a Workrede partner, makes it easy for leadership teams to onboard and upskill their employees, reducing the time it takes to be job-ready and saving time and money on training. Offer regular training and development opportunities, important resources, or information about industry trends.

5. Healthy Work-Life Balance

Despite their intense training schedules, successful Olympians understand the importance of rest and recovery. Employers should recognize the value of a healthy work-life balance to prevent burnout and maintain high levels of productivity.

Actionable Insight: Whether it’s for a lunch break or scheduled time off, encourage employees to leverage Workrede’s “Do Not Disturb” feature. They can choose when and how long you want to activate Do Not Disturb, knowing that important messages will still be there when they’re ready.

Olympians exemplify traits that can inspire and transform the workplace. By embracing their commitment to excellence, goal-setting strategies, resilience, teamwork, mental toughness, continuous learning, and work-life balance, employers can create a thriving, high-performing organization. Implementing these lessons can lead to a motivated, engaged, and productive workforce ready to achieve extraordinary results.